
Creating Stamps

Stampit gives you several ways to create your stamps (aka factory functions).


Any time you compose - you create a NEW stamp. Every function below always returns a NEW stamp.

Pass plain descriptor

You can pass standard stamp descriptor to stampit.

const descriptor = {
  methods: ...,
  properties: ...,
  deepProperties: ...,
  propertyDescriptors: ...,
  initializers: ...,
  staticProperties: ...,
  staticDeepProperties: ...,
  staticPropertyDescriptors: ...,
  composers: ...,
  configuration: ...,
  deepConfiguration: ...,
  name: ...

const MyStamp = stampit(descriptor) // passing the descriptor

Or you can pass stampit-flavoured descriptor (shorter version of the standard descriptor).

const shorterDescriptor = {
  methods: ...,
  props: ...,
  deepProps: ...,
  propertyDescriptors: ...,
  init: ...,
  statics: ...,
  deepStatics: ...,
  staticPropertyDescriptors: ...,
  composers: ...,
  conf: ...,
  deepConf: ...,
  name: ...

const MyStamp = stampit(shorterDescriptor)

Shortcut functions

Stampit has 18 shortcut functions attached to it. For example:

const { props, methods, init } = stampit

You can create stamps from them too.

const DefaultFoo = props({ foo: null })
const PrintFoo = methods({ printFoo() { console.log( } })
const PassFoo = init(funciton ({ foo }) { = foo })

const Foo = DefaultFoo.compose(PrintFoo, PassFoo)

The full list of the shortcut functions matches the list of keys you can pass as stamp descriptor (see above).

const {     // destructuring

  props, properties,

  deepProps, deepProperties,

  init, initializers,


  statics, staticProperties,

  deepStatics, staticDeepProperties,


  conf, configuration,

  deepConf, deepConfiguration,

} = stampit

Creating same stamp in few ways

All the examples below create exactly the same stamp.

Classic way

const logger = require('bunyan').createLogger({ name: 'log' })

const HasLog = stampit({
  properties: {
    log: logger

Classic way using shorter API

const HasLog = stampit({
  props: {
    log: logger

Shortcut way

const HasLog = stampit.props({
  log: logger

// OR

const { props } = stampit

const HasLog = props({
  log: logger

Composition way

const HasLog = stampit().props({
  log: logger


You can chain all the shortcut functions (see the full list above).

Below is just an example of what you can do. It is a utility stamp. If you compose it to any of your stamps then it will count the number of object instances created from your stamp. Feel free to remove unwanted parts.

const InstanceCounter = stampit()
  instanceCounter: 0 // number of instances of a particular stamp, incremental
  instanceIndex: -1 // an instance number, incremental
  printInstanceIndex() {
    console.log('I am instance #', this.instanceIndex)
.init(function (_, { stamp }) {
  this.instanceIndex = stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter // instance number
  stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter += 1 // increment the counter
.staticPropertyDescriptors({ // give the a non-default name. ES6 only.
  name: { value: 'InstanceCounter' }
  printTotalInstanceCount() {
.composers(function ({ stamp }) {
  // We need to reset the counter each time the InstanceCounter is composed with.
  stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter = 0

Same InstanceCounter stamp but using the classic stampit way.

const InstanceCounter = stampit({
  conf: {
    instanceCounter: 0 // number of instances of a particular stamp, incremental
  props: {
    instanceIndex: -1 // an instance number, incremental
  methods: {
    printInstanceIndex() {
      console.log('I am instance #', this.instanceIndex)
  init(_, { stamp }) {
    this.instanceIndex = stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter // instance number
    stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter += 1 // increment the counter
  staticPropertyDescriptors: { // give the a non-default name. ES6 only.
    name: { value: 'InstanceCounter' }
  statics: { 
    printTotalInstanceCount() {
  composers({ stamp }) {
    // We need to reset the counter each time the InstanceCounter is composed with.
    stamp.compose.configuration.instanceCounter = 0

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