The static deep properties are properties attached to stamp itself. But unlike regular (shallow) static properties these are deeply merged together by stamp deep merging algorithm.
const SchemaTypes = stampit.deepStatics({
Types: {
const ObjectIdSchemaType = stampit.deepStatics({
Types: {
ID: String,
ObjectId: require('./object-id')
const Schema = stampit(SchemaTypes, ObjectIdSchemaType, { // stamp deep merging kicks in this line
init(data, { stamp }) {
// stamp.Types.String, stamp.Types.ID, ...
// Schema.Types.String
// Schema.Types.Number
// Schema.Types.Array
// as well as
// Schema.Types.ID
// Schema.Types.ObjectId
Descriptor merging algorithm
The staticDeepProperties are deeply merged using stamp deep merging algorithm. See below - the Types value is always a new object.
SchemaTypes.Types !== Schema.Types // NEVER EQUAL! NO MATTER WHAT!
Sometimes a regular (shallow) static property has the same name as a deep static property. The shallow static property always wins.